When your goal is to lose weight do you often find yourself spending extra money on weight loss products, gym memberships or exercise equipment? I know I do.
But during these uncertain economic times we all want to save our money. So instead of wasting your hard earned dollars by hiring a trainer, joining a new gym, or buying the latest weight loss pill, get fit for FREE using these tips to lose weight and save your cash!
Get Walking. Go outside. Call a friend you need to catch up with and take a long walk. Walk your dog. Or your neighbors dog.
Swim. If you live near the beach, go take a dip in the ocean. No beach? Try a local pool, or lake.
Yoga in the park. In my city we have a beautiful park where free yoga is offered every day during the summer. Check out your local parks and see if this is offered. If it’s not, why not start your own Free Yoga in the park?
Watch TV. Fit TV, that is. Check your local listings for a channel that offers free workouts all the time. Or pop in a workout DVD. Get off the couch and start moving (in the comfort of your own home!)
Juice: Now is the perfect time to begin that juice fast. Go to your local farmer’s market where you will be able to find inexpensive organic produce. Get a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables and get on your inexpensive way to weight loss!
For more tips go to www.naturalsexyskinny.com and claim your free weight loss e-course where you will receive 7 lessons in 7 days free!